Friday, December 16, 2011

Starry, Starry Bacon...

now here's a little art project for anyone with too much time on their hands (we've already established you can never have too much bacon on your hands). this rendering (get it? rendering? aw, forget about it) of van gogh's starry night done with bacon products is part of instructables bacon contest. not just delicious, but artistically delicious. and really, isn't that what bacon is all about?

we don't know, we thought we were asking you.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Yes, it's been a little while...

and we feel bad for not reminding you that bacon is not only one of life's finer things, but also one of life's stranger compulsions. take for instance, J&D's baconlube. anybody?

yeah, we thought not.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

proper propaganda...

it's been a while since we engaged in some bacon art, and while this is a little late for a tie-in with the recent patriotic holiday, it may be time to start thinking about something along the lines of "bacon freedom day". because, they can take our lives, but they'll never take our...


Saturday, June 11, 2011

this makes scents...

get it? aw, forget it..

this from a company called mancandles. bacon scented aromatherapy. seriously, you got a better idea? didn't think so. check out all the fresh manly scents, campfire, grandpa's pipe, new mitt, fresh cut grass...

so beautiful..

Saturday, April 9, 2011

ok, this is gettin' a little weird..

we love bacon. and we try to think outside the box. (yes, the one we live in under the freeway). but this seems a bit awkward, even to us. still bacon flavored breath is probably better than terminal halitosis. so, brush up, kids.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

more bacon aromatherapy...

sometimes you need something subtle. sometimes you need something that appeals to the meateater in your prospective mate. sometimes you just want to smell comfortable. enter bacon classic. the fragrance for the man who doesn't have time to fry bacon before he goes on a date.

Friday, April 1, 2011

something in the air...

talk about freshening up a room. at $8.99 a pop, this container of BaconAir could replace every glade product in your home. interesting note, as of this morning, this product was sold out. seriously, it gives us hope.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

National Pig Day...

Okay, we have to admit, we had no idea there was a national day of pigs, or a national day of pig celebration. (given the obesity rate in this country, we figured every day was a day of celebrating being pigs). but this is the day, march 1st, national pig day. so, get ready to send out those cards to all your favorite pigs...

oh, and click on the pig to order some delicious gummy bacon candy, because damn fool, you can't eat pig on national pig day. or can you?