Saturday, August 16, 2014

another interesting waste of bacon...

...or not. Hormel, one of the many food companies that produce the greatest meat product on the planet, has developed this...

... a motorcycle fueled by biofuel (from converted bacon grease) which smells like bacon as it rides by. follow the trip here. it's hard to know how we feel about this. it's not edible, but it smells like bacon (supposedly). and you have to do something with all that bacon grease (besides dab it behind your ears before going out on dates).

but it does bring a new meaning to the term "hog".

Friday, August 1, 2014

And now, it's just spiraling out of control..

it's been slow around here lately. not because our love of bacon has diminished, but it seems like bacon's moment of internet glory has lessened slightly. this is good news. all the best things in life stay in the virtual background. but this frightens us a little bit. we're all for bacon stuff, but does anybody really need squeezable bacon? in case you do, you can get it here...

Friday, November 22, 2013

let's play: how far behind?

last month we posted about bacon body wash, so really, who didn't see this coming?

after all, you washed with bacon body wash,  you brushed your teeth with bacon toothpaste, you've stuffed some money (if you have any left after buying everything bacon) in your bacon wallet,  you're about to put on your bacon shoes and bacon suit, shouldn't you dampen your own personal stink with some Power Bacon? (from your good buddies at j.d. foods). seriously. you're ready to get out there and...


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

this definitely beats bath soap...

...but not by much.

from a group known as Lollyphile comes...wait for it... the sriracha bacon lollypop. stock up now, the holidays are right around the corner. two of our favorite flavors come together in something we would never put into our mouths. seriously, it'd be like beer flavored ice cream... love 'em both, but... eww.

Friday, October 25, 2013

well, it's an idea...

..but we think we'll just stick with putting a couple of slices in our armpits. 

however, if you are the kind of person who doesn't like to waste perfectly good bacon so you can smell like bacon, hurry over to this place and get this stuff on sale. (or at least it was on sale when we went there).

Monday, September 2, 2013

bacon and wrong should never be in the same sentence...

but in this case, we might have to make an exception...

that's right, campers, sizzling bacon candy. the mind boggles. the stomach rubbles. the tongue gets strange burn marks. who knows? it just sounds wrong.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

the meal in a glass...

leave it to canada. more specifically the Hogs Back Brewing Co. near Ottawa. oatmeal bacon stout. seriously, sounds like the perfect breakfast. lunch. or dinner. or late night snack. if you visit the link scroll down a bit for a worthwhile description of what's got to be one of the better ideas of 2013.

thanks, canada.

Friday, January 4, 2013

the wrong way to start the new year....

knowing this sounds counter-intuitive, some things just should not be made out of bacon. largely because it seems like a tremendous waste of perfectly good bacon (redundant).

to whit: the bacon guitar. (instructions here)

Monday, December 31, 2012

Watchin' out for all our bacon buddies...

if you're like us (and we naturally assume that you are, given your taste in bacon blog sites), you enjoy your new year's eve celebrations saturated with alcohol. and you'll also be looking for a tasty way to cure the ills of said saturation. look no further.

and from all of us at baconics: enjoy your new year.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

tis the season...

yes, virginia, there is yule video for lover's of the gateway meat. The folks over at Applegate have created an alternative version of the yule log. and it's delicious.

merry bacon.