Tuesday, January 20, 2009


today is about the remaking of america. 

today is the day we shed the fearmongers who ran this country into the ground on the idea it is better to be safe than free. today is the day we remove all remnants of the grand plan to establish an empire in a world that doesn't need any more empires. today is the day we stop using our strength to bully the planet into submission. today is the day we show greed and dishonesty and selfishness the door.

don't get us wrong, these same ideas can come right back in tomorrow, but today...

today is a day for hope.

(got your lunch the box lapel pin yet?)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

just leave already

seems a shame to waste the first post of 2009 on this fucktard, but hey, his foolishness will probably define the next twenty years. we're glad he's gone. we hope he's plagued by nightmares for the rest of his days, but knowing his simpleton approach to faith and certainty, he'll probably sleep like a baby. 

so, here's to s.i.d.s.*

(*apologies to anyone who doesn't take this joke in the spirit it was delivered. you know who you are)