unfortunately, all of amerika didn't quite manage this great feat. quite a few of these morons kept their heads neatly tucked away. and more than quite a few californians managed to overcome their racial bias so they could indulge their homophobia. truly, a grand bit of dumbfuckery.
so today, while wrestled with the idea of how great this country could be, the dark side of my nature spent the time gnawing at the old bone of discontent. i wanted to be hopeful and look to the future that i only dared dream about 20 months ago, but i kept stumbling over the realization that that future was to be shared with a great many god fearing "real" amerikans who needed to be reminded on a daily basis that religion and politics were never meant to mix. and until they actually come to an understanding of this, we will never be free of the demagoguery of faith based zealots.
plus, i was out of bacon, so i had to have a lettuce and tomato sandwich for lunch. so much for a brave new world.
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