Monday, October 20, 2008

A couple of things you should "no"...

your pal, Lunch the box, has a compiled a brief list of things you should "no", if you don't already...

  • no, obama is not a muslim. 
  • no, he's not the anti-christ either. if he was the anti-christ, it'd be harder to point out.
  • no, colin powell is only black when he endorses a black guy for president. the rest of the time, he is a soldier who has served his country for most of his life (like john mccain, only mccain would never endorse a black man for president).
  • no, all christians are not assholes. like everyone else in america, they just suffer from bad leadership.
  • no, this election has not gone on forever (it just feels like it).
  • no, sarah palin did not abuse her power in alaska (unless you read the report that said she did and then, yeah, she may have...and, oh yeah: wink).
  • no, bush has not left the country, but the country might have left him.
  • no, fox news is not really news. but neither is cnn, or msnbc, or any other televised reporting. it's not really infotainment either (as it lacks both). 
  • no, the recession is coming (it'll be the only thing under the tree on christmas).
  • no, politics and bacon don't mix. but if you have to be force fed something shitty tasting, you might as well associate it with something really delicious.

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