Saturday, August 16, 2014

another interesting waste of bacon...

...or not. Hormel, one of the many food companies that produce the greatest meat product on the planet, has developed this...

... a motorcycle fueled by biofuel (from converted bacon grease) which smells like bacon as it rides by. follow the trip here. it's hard to know how we feel about this. it's not edible, but it smells like bacon (supposedly). and you have to do something with all that bacon grease (besides dab it behind your ears before going out on dates).

but it does bring a new meaning to the term "hog".

Friday, August 1, 2014

And now, it's just spiraling out of control..

it's been slow around here lately. not because our love of bacon has diminished, but it seems like bacon's moment of internet glory has lessened slightly. this is good news. all the best things in life stay in the virtual background. but this frightens us a little bit. we're all for bacon stuff, but does anybody really need squeezable bacon? in case you do, you can get it here...