Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sometimes, it gets real simple
bacon lamp. right? bacon lamp. learn to make it here.
and remember when life gets you down, just remember, somebody out there is making something new out of bacon.
Monday, November 2, 2009
working towards resolution...
we seriously hope no one was counting on healthcare reform by christmas, because that ain't gonna happen. there's too much money in the current system and there's not enough courage in our elected officials to do without that money. but we hope that this sends a message to the heartland. the government stopped caring about "we, the people" some time ago. and as we struggle to provide for ourselves and those who depend on us, we might want to remember that supporting the current system is not... and never has been really... in our best interests.
enough preaching. the holidays are approaching. the marriage is dissolving. and life is altering in a rather large way. and as we ride the wave in our little corner of the tidal basin, we're hoping to spend some serious time reaching out and slapping the virtual world. if for no other reason than to make a small bit of noise.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Laying low for a month or so...
the ebb and flow of everyday life has taken it's toll here at baconics...
so, as a weak offering to the blog gods, we present "what to be for halloween". (thanks to the folks at the burning man bacon list for turning us onto this idea, since we obviously can't come up with any of our own).
Monday, September 21, 2009
Got Religion?
you do now...
grease yourself up and slide on over to the Holy Church of Bacon. let the good tasting spirit fill your empty belly with the understanding that passes all. and if they ask, tell 'em who sent you...
grease yourself up and slide on over to the Holy Church of Bacon. let the good tasting spirit fill your empty belly with the understanding that passes all. and if they ask, tell 'em who sent you...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
better late than never...
this is in support of a young man who spent a moment in the spotlight reminding the world (and the saw-offed tree hugging bitch on wife swap) that bacon is not only good for him, but it is indeed a god given right!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
International Day Of Yee-F*ckin'-Haw!
september 5th is International Bacon Day.
get out your pork attire...
and go hog wild...
after all, we're sure you've waited all year for this day!
Friday, August 28, 2009
A good strategy for any situation..
we like the idea of a tactical food group. and even while some people might focus on the question of whether bacon's edibility can last ten years, we believe the can, which, if you look closely states, "I firmly believe that bacon has the potential to bring about world peace!"
boy, that anonymous guy sure knows his shit.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Okay, it's gettin' a little weird...
hey, kids, it's the bacon shoe from keds. remember keds? they cornered the market on geek footwear, until vans and sketchers came along. but this shoe right here may change all that. if it doesn't freak people out too much. seriously, we can understand delicious recipes featuring bacon, but clothing and footwear? you can't eat clothes and shoes, folks, no matter how bad the economy gets.
go on. order a pair. you know you want to.
we wash our hands of it. where'd we put that bacon scented soap?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Another positive step in false advertising...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
A simple tribute...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Some blog this turned out to be...
as life as we know it slowly fades into oblivion and things turn ugly all around us, it's nice to know there a few things we can count on. unfortunately, this blog isn't one of them. we'd like to be able to tell you it's because there's so many other things going on, but that wouldn't be the truth. the truth is mundane. the truth is lazy. the truth can't scrape together the interest.
oh, wait, that's us.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A quick question...
in a proper world, these yahoos wouldn't be allowed to run a 7-11. seriously, if you saw these two bozos working the counter at burger king, you'd head up the street to taco bell. the joe-zo stands by while graham cracker inaccurately describes the five dollar foot long currently sold at the congressional subway for five hundred thousand.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Please, Mr. T, don't sue us...
sometimes, a notion will strike and the next thing you know, the entire morning has been wasted making silly inspirational poster knock offs.
did we say wasted?
we meant enhanced.
okay, kiddies back to work.
(click the pic for a readable size)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
too much brilliance...
check out meatcards.
there can be no way to estimate the impact this will have on society at large.
finally, a green solution we can all live with. (okay except for maybe peta)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Pandemic, my ass...
Friday, April 24, 2009
Reflections on our collective history of violence...
yeah, we've been hiding mr. banana® for just the right moment.
it would seem that moment is upon us. someone suggested we join the NRA today because the NRA is all about fighting government control and the re-establishment of the constitution. turns out the ACLU is impotent, and besides, the NRA has all the money and guns.
reminds us of the old adage: if all you have is a hammer, then you see every problem as a nail.
money and guns. that's funny.
and oh yeah, click the pic for large version.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
More Spring Break Entertainment...
believe us when we say we're bored out of our minds.
please enjoy the next installment of carl & covinski.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
More fun with Carl & Covinski
it's spring break here at baconics. which means that there are young men running hither and yon, looking for ways to ease the monotony of unstructured foolishness. this is when computer projects have a certain appeal. the youngest member of team baconics did the character drawings for this series and we feel he's deserving of some recognition. so, here's to you, youngest member of team baconics. nice work.
Sorry, kids...
sad to say, but when the LA Times business blog covers something, it is officially passe.
you can still enjoy bacon's chewy/crunchy smoky goodness, (and we recommend you do, in this crazy messed up world, delicious bacon is one of the few constants), but baconics will pare back on linking to bacon awesomeness around the 'net. Like yesterday's awesome april fools joke from thinkgeek.com.
let's be real folks, we're not just about bacon. we're about...
..well, we'll have to think about that.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Back to Bacon
Squeez Bacon™ that is.
thanks to the smart asses at thinkgeek.com
and our good buddies over at firsttard for pointing us
in the right direction.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Might Be On 2 Something Here
okay, this is a little more our style.
it is, after all, a jab at business as usual.
but we can't stop playing around
with these wonderful toys.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Not about bacon or politics..
might be a new trend here at baconics.
but who knows?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Every once in a while...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
I have a dream...
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
today is about the remaking of america.
today is the day we shed the fearmongers who ran this country into the ground on the idea it is better to be safe than free. today is the day we remove all remnants of the grand plan to establish an empire in a world that doesn't need any more empires. today is the day we stop using our strength to bully the planet into submission. today is the day we show greed and dishonesty and selfishness the door.
don't get us wrong, these same ideas can come right back in tomorrow, but today...
today is a day for hope.
(got your lunch the box lapel pin yet?)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
just leave already
seems a shame to waste the first post of 2009 on this fucktard, but hey, his foolishness will probably define the next twenty years. we're glad he's gone. we hope he's plagued by nightmares for the rest of his days, but knowing his simpleton approach to faith and certainty, he'll probably sleep like a baby.
so, here's to s.i.d.s.*
(*apologies to anyone who doesn't take this joke in the spirit it was delivered. you know who you are)
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