the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. there are dark places in the world. thinking is the greatest enemy of perfection. everything sleeps. animals cannot speak in complete sentences. people live. people die. and the time in between is a mixed bag. breathing is good.
scum continues to float to the top.
Lunch The Box
no bacon 4 u
a review of the undeniable scum that always floats to the top... and why we're taking away their bacon.
here's a guy who needs to have his bacon removed with extreme prejudice...
this is Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich. he decided he would sell Barrack Obama's recently vacated senate seat. he decided to do this while he was under investigation. he decided to brag about it on a tapped phone. not only did Rod decide to commit crime, but he was stupid about it to boot.
we imagine the next time Rod sees bacon, he'll be trading buttsecks for it in cell block "d".