Friday, October 10, 2008

A brief explanation...

wednesday of last week, i get a notification from Blogger telling me i may be a spam blog and they're going to shut me down until i can verify for them that i am a real human being and not just some canned bacon gone completely off. so i verify. and i wait patiently. two days pass, nothing. i spend a few minutes trying to figure out how to contact Blogger support and maybe plead my humanity to a real human being. nothing. i verify again. nothing. the next day the same thing. now, i'm starting to get a little pissed off. and there is absolutely no way i can contact Blogger directly and vent (which is all i really want to do at this point). so i decide i will "verify" every damn day until the release my blog from spam hell. i visit their verify page and lo and behold and all that good shit, Blogger has finally recognized that i verified. now all i have to do is wait until they can take a look at my blog and decide whether it is indeed spam. silly assholes, i mutter to myself, it's not spam...

...its bacon.

i'm back. let the bacony good times begin.

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